Free Movies & Music Near Cincinnati
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With the current cost of movie tickets, it's hard to justify an evening of popcorn and crowded theaters. One cinema chain is changing all that, the Danbarry Cinemas. The Danbarry Cinema in Middletown is the top pick, definitely worth the drive. It shows new releases at much lower admission prices than other theaters, and prides itself on perfection. Perfection in video quality, audio fidelity, and comfort, with steeply inclined stadium-style seating so you never have to look at the back of people's heads. They also have several second-run theaters in the Cincinnati area. Visit the Danbarry Cinemas web site for more information and show schedules.

We also recommend the free concerts at University of Cincinnati's College Conservatory of Music (CCM). If you want a taste of classical music but cannot afford to see the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, then visit one of the many free CCM shows offered throughout the year. Many of the free shows are dress rehersals of actual pay concerts. For more information and a calendar of events, visit the CCM Web Site.

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