Our top pick is the United States Air Force Museum at Wright-
Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. Situated inside several aircraft hangars,
follow the history of aircraft from the days
of Divinci up to the latest Air Force Stealth fighters and bombers. This is a museum that you can visit time
and time again and still only see a fraction of what it has to offer. There is a section on space flight as well,
and a presidential hangar has recently been added with a collection of previous Air Force One aircraft that you can
walk through.
Also visit The Krohn Conservatory in Eden Park, an
indoor greenhouse of exotic plants from around
the world, set in displays that reflect their natural environment including waterfalls and rivers with fish.
On Saturdays, admission to the Cincinnati Art Museum is free.
In addition to it's collection of paintings, the art museum has a nice collection of
archeological artifacts from Greek, Roman, and Egyptian civilizations. Those of you familiar with our
SelectHikes web site may have hiked along the Clifton Gorge and visited "The Blue Hole", a section of the
Little Miami River that was depicted in a famous painting. That painting is in display here as well.